Media Relations Policy

Policy Number: 532
Policy Effective Date: January 27, 2016
Approval Body: Board of Governors
Sponsor: President

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) recognizes the importance of establishing positive relationships with representatives of the news media both to provide timely responses to queries and to inform the media about newsworthy events at the College.

This policy and associated procedures outlines the framework for VCC's media relations activities. It provides direction to the VCC Board of Governors and all employees for responding to the media, and ensures the College will identify appropriate spokespersons. It identifies a protocol for ensuring that newsworthy college events are disseminated in an appropriate and useful form for media use. The policy also outlines the conditions under which access to College property for the purposes of video or audio taping will be granted.

Scope and Limits

This policy and related procedures applies to all forms of communication between all members of the College community and all media representatives.

VCC is committed to open communications with representatives of the media within the limits of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Nothing in this policy is intended to contravene the requirements of the College's Academic Freedom policy

This policy and associated procedures governs the College's relations with representatives of the news media.


  1. The College is committed to open and timely communications with representatives of the media within the confines of the legitimate requirements of student and employee confidentiality and safety.

  2. The College recognizes the important role that the media plays in disseminating news about the College and members of the College community. The College will provide, through a designated spokesperson, full and reasonable answers to questions from the media and will ensure that newsworthy information is disseminated in a timely and appropriate manner.

  3. All media inquiries and requests for interviews pertaining to the College are to be referred to the Marketing and Communications Department, or coordinated with the department prior to a response.

  4. The College's Academic Freedom policy ensures that students and employees, within their area of expertise, knowledge and field of study, “are free to pursue independent inquiry, critical thinking and expression” (extract from statement of policy principles). Nothing in this policy is intended to contravene the requirements of the College's Academic Freedom policy.


Members of the College Community
Members of the College community include: all VCC employees (part-time, full-time, term and temporary), contractors, volunteers, Board of Governors and students.
Media, Video and Audio Releases
Media, video and audio releases are short news stories or announcements which the College will write, audio record and/or video record for distribution to the media to publicize an event or activity, to announce something that the College believes has news value and/or to reinforce a central theme or message to manage the College's reputation.
Meetings with the Media
Meetings with the media are arranged, as required; the purpose of such meetings is to develop a mutual understanding with specific news media outlets and to determine the most effective approach in dealing with any particular issues.
News Conferences
News conferences are called by the College when it wishes to announce items of major significance and/or complexity (e.g. opening a facility, major change in funding, crisis situation); a news conference is considered a formal invitation to the news media; the media will expect to hear a major announcement, to have an opportunity to ask questions, record answers, take pictures and to receive a press kit containing information about the announcement.
Public Service Announcements
Public service announcements are generally very short in length and deal with routine activities that relate to the community served by the College; in many cases, they promote College activities that are open and free of charge.

Related Resources

VCC Policies

Other Resources

  • VCC Social Media Best Practices, Communications and Marketing Department

  • VCC Emergency Management Plan

See related procedures 532
Generated at: 3:28 pm on Oct. 06, 2024