Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) recognizes the importance of establishing positive relationships with representatives of the news media both to provide timely responses to queries and to inform the media about newsworthy events at the College.
This policy and associated procedures outlines the framework for VCC's media relations activities. It provides direction to the VCC Board of Governors and all employees for responding to the media, and ensures the College will identify appropriate spokespersons. It identifies a protocol for ensuring that newsworthy college events are disseminated in an appropriate and useful form for media use. The policy also outlines the conditions under which access to College property for the purposes of video or audio taping will be granted.
This policy and related procedures applies to all forms of communication between all members of the College community and all media representatives.
VCC is committed to open communications with representatives of the media within the limits of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Nothing in this policy is intended to contravene the requirements of the College's Academic Freedom policy
This policy and associated procedures governs the College's relations with representatives of the news media.