Tuition and Fees Policy

Policy Number: 310
Policy Effective Date: June 28, 2023
Approval Body: Board of Governors
Sponsor: President

Context and Purpose

The provision of postsecondary education is a joint endeavour with financial contributions shared between students, government, the institution, sponsors, industry, and the communities served. Tuition and fees reflect an investment in valuable educational experiences that enhance student career and personal success, and play an important role in ensuring institutional sustainability and the provision of high quality educational services.

This policy informs how tuition and fees are determined and administered at Vancouver Community College (VCC, the College).

Scope and Limits

This Policy applies to all applicants, students, programs and courses offered by VCC.


  1. Tuition and fees are determined based on input from relevant internal parties and are compliant with the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills Tuition Limit policy. 

  2. The VCC tuition fee model will take into account program duration, program operating costs, and tuition rates for comparable programming at other BC institutions.

  3. The VCC tuition fee model will strive for consistency and common practice for all programs and students, and is not exceptions-based.

  4. Domestic and international tuition and domestic and international mandatory fees are reviewed as part of the annual College budget development process and are approved by the Board of Governors.

  5. The College Administration sets continuing studies non-credit tuition rates.

  6. The College will ensure there is a system in place to manage fee deferrals and overdue accounts.

  7. The College will inform students of payment deadlines. It is the student's responsibility to meet those deadlines.

  8. The College will provide reasonable options for student payments.


Finance & Audit Committee
A standing committee of the Board of Governors responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its obligations and oversight responsibilities related to financial planning, the audit process, financial reporting, the system of corporate controls and risk management.
Mandatory Fee
Required fees assessed at the time of acceptance or registration other than tuition, including but not limited to College Resource Fees (RFEE) and College Initiative Fees (IFEE).
Other Fee
The fees for services levied by the College, including but not limited to application fees, transcript fees, late payment, and graduation fees. These are typically charged at the time the service is provided to the students and are usually non-refundable.
Registration Area
The areas of the College responsible for registering students:
- Registrar's Office (RO)
- Continuing Studies (CS)
- International Education (IE)
- School of Instructor Education (SIE)
An organization paying tuition and fees on a student's behalf. This does not include agents for international students or family members.
The set fee charged by the College for the provision of a course or program.
Tuition Deposit
A fee paid at the time of acceptance or registration that is applied to the cost of tuition. The fee or some portion of the fee may be non-refundable.
Tuition and Fee Deferral
Authorized delay in the payment of a fee. May be granted in the event the student has applied for a student loan or third-party sponsorship but has not received confirmation of a positive outcome. A deferral has a deadline associated with it.

Related Resources


  • Fee Deferral Form (available from Student Accounts Office)

VCC Policies

Other Resources

  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, SC 2001, c 27

  • “Guidelines Respecting International Students at British Columbia Public Post Secondary Institutions”, British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Amended: October 2002

  • Tuition Limit Policy, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills

See related procedures 310
Generated at: 6:40 am on Feb. 14, 2025