Smoke-Free Campus Procedures

Procedures Number: 221
Procedures Effective Date: September 7, 2021
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration



  1. Facilities Management will arrange for appropriate signage announcing this policy at the entrances to buildings and at other locations as deemed necessary.

  2. New staff members will be made aware of the Smoke-Free Campus Policy during the onboarding and orientation process.

  3. The College is responsible for communicating this policy to students and staff through orientation programs, social media, website postings, and other communication channels that may be available.

  4. All departments that engage in drafting and executing contracts are responsible for ensuring that their contracts for third-party work (contractors) on College property clearly state that the College is smoke-free.

  5. Organizers and attendees at public events using VCC facilities, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, sporting activities and social events, will be made aware of the Smoke-Free Campus Policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating this policy to attendees and for enforcing the policy.

Traditional Indigenous Ceremonies

  1. For planned events that will include the burning of sacred plants as part of a traditional ceremony, the Dean or delegate of IECE will work with the event organizer and facilities to organize the details of the ceremony.

  2. Disputes regarding the burning of sacred plants as part of a ceremony or practice will be resolved in collaboration with the Indigenous Education & Community Engagement Dean or delegate.

Other Cultural Practices

  1. The college will review requests to allow other cultural practices around the smoking or burning of plants on a case-by-case basis. Requests should be sent to the Facilities Department.


  1. Campus Security will monitor compliance, respond to reports of non-compliance, advise smokers of the non-smoking provisions in effect and report violators to the Manager, Safety, Security, Risk and Privacy.

  2. Those smoking in areas surrounding the College are expected to avoid littering, and to respect municipal by-laws and provincial legislation. They are asked to be considerate of neighbouring residents, businesses, and institutions.


  1. The Pension and Benefits Unit of Human Resources can assist College employees in determining coverage for smoking cessation aids. Students can contact the SUVCC to determine their coverage for smoking cessation aids.

See related policy 221
Generated at: 4:26 pm on Oct. 06, 2024