Use of College Supplies, Products, Services, and Facilities Procedures

Procedures Number: 142
Procedures Effective Date: September 26, 2015
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration


  1. Any use of VCC facilities outside regularly scheduled academic activities requires a completed Department Event Form signed by senior management (see Appendix A). The department-driven events could include fundraisers, community events, or charity events in which VCC faculty, staff, or students participate as representatives of VCC (on or off campus).

  2. VCC departments and relevant deans who wish to introduce product/service discount rates for employees and/or students must ensure the discount rate is approved by the Director of Finance.  The discount rate must not result in a financial loss for VCC.  Any discounted price must be greater than cost (refer to the Policy B.3.10 Establishing Discount Rates for VCC Employees and/or Students).

  3. Misuse of College Supplies, Products, Services or Facilities should be reported in writing to the Vice President Administration & CFO. Upon receipt of a report of alleged misuse, the Vice President Administration & CFO will maintain and update a log of the report, ensure that the matter is reviewed promptly and properly, and ensure appropriate action is taken, if warranted. The Vice President will work with the Senior Management member within whose area of responsibility the matter falls.

See related policy 142
Generated at: 3:55 pm on Oct. 06, 2024