Sharing & Stewardship of Information Procedures

Procedures Number: 502
Procedures Effective Date: September 26, 2018
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration


  1. Access to College Data is granted to Data Users for a specific purpose and is provided according to the individual's role and job function within the College. Least privilege protocol will be applied to all VCC employees and contractors.

  2. Access to the College Data Resource is requested using the Technology Access Request Form (TARF) (available on myVCC or from IT). 

  3. Budget holders or designates will approve data access requests for their employees in advance of the request being reviewed by the appropriate Data Steward(s). 

  4. Supervisors will assure that staff are properly trained and aware of their responsibilities in handling College data.

  5. Responsibility for data administration activities is shared among the data stewards, data custodians and Information Technology (IT).  For each new system, the specific responsibilities for system ownership and data/system management and administration shall be identified and documented.

  6. Data security is the responsibility of all VCC employees and contractors. All data access violation or inappropriate data usage will be addressed immediately.

  7. College functional areas must develop and maintain clear and consistent procedures for access to College administrative data. 

  8. Additional procedural details related to this policy and procedures will be maintained in the VCC Data Standards, Data Integrity and Security Guidelines document.  This document outlines the standards for data as well as the collection and maintenance of shared data including security provisions.

See related policy 502
Generated at: 4:28 pm on Oct. 06, 2024