Environmental Procedures

Procedures Number: 222
Procedures Effective Date: June 29, 2015
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Administration


  1. General Guidelines

The College is committed to high standards of environmental stewardship and integrates these standards into all its planning and decision-making activities.  While the following is not an exhaustive list, it provides an indication of the scope of actions that are encouraged and supported by the College:

  1. Conduct periodic environmental audits

  2. Support the activities and recommendations of the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group

  3. Provide information programs for students and employees and training programs for employees

  4. Consider environmental factors in all planning and decision-making activities

  5. Comply with or exceed appropriate environmental regulations and standards, where available, including “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED)

  6. Liaise with other institutions to encourage the sharing of best practices

  7. Minimize the use of energy, water and other natural resources

  8. Minimize consumption, waste generation and pollution

  9. Promote recycling through the re-use of existing products and recovery of useful materials and energy from waste before disposal

  10. Replace environmentally harmful products with those that are more environmentally sensitive

  11. Ensure the proper management and use of hazardous materials

  12. Prepare regular reports to assess the College's effectiveness and progress with respect to environmental issues

  1. Responsibilities

Senior Management:

  1. Ensure that periodic environmental audits are carried out and that recommendations are considered and acted upon

  2. Support the activities of the Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group and ensure that recommendations are considered and acted upon

  3. Ensure that employees consider environmental factors when planning and making decisions and, in particular, ensure that the College complies with or exceeds appropriate environmental regulations and standards including LEEDS

  4. Ensure that regular reports are prepared to assess the College's effectiveness and progress with respect to environmental issues

  5. Ensure that prompt action is taken to address environmental risks and concerns.

Environmental Sustainability Advisory Group:

  1. Establish a process to identify potential improvements in the College's management of its environmental issues including liaison with other institutions to share best practices

  2. Establish a process to identify existing environmental issues that require College action

  3. Provide information programs regarding environmental issues for students, employees and others and, where required, training programs for employees

  1. Physical Resources

  1. Ensure that programs are in place to:

  1. Minimize the use of energy, water and other natural resources

  2. Promote recycling through the re-use of existing products and the recovery of useful materials and energy from waste before disposal

  3. Require the proper management and use of hazardous materials

  1. Purchasing

  1. Ensure that purchasing decisions are consistent with this policy and with external environmental regulations and standards

  2. Consider the replacement of environmentally harmful products with those that are more environmentally sensitive

  1. Employees

  1. Become familiar with the College's environmental policy and procedures and other internal documentation

  2. Attend environmental information and training programs as they relate to the employee's area of activity

  3. Plan, organize and make decisions consistent with the College's Environmental policy

  1. Students

  1. Become familiar with the College's environmental policy and procedures and other internal documentation

  2. Attend environmental information and training programs as they relate to the student's area of activity

  3. Plan, organize and make educational decisions consistent with the College's Environmental policy 222

See related policy 222
Generated at: 3:07 pm on Oct. 06, 2024