Lending and Borrowing College Equipment Procedures

Procedures Number: 416
Procedures Effective Date: June 29, 2016
Approval Body: President
Sponsor: VP Academic


  1. Departments can choose to lend equipment to students and/or employees of the College.

  2. If departments decide to lend equipment, they will prepare written terms of use. These terms of use should, at a minimum, include the following information:

    1. Who is allowed to borrow the equipment (i.e. only students in their department, all students, only employees.)

    2. The length of time the equipment can be borrowed.

    3. Any penalty that is applied if the equipment is returned late, damaged, or lost.

  3. The loaning department will ensure that terms of use are available and accessible prior to lending equipment.

  4. For costly equipment, departments must maintain a record of borrowing that includes the borrower's name, contact information, and length of time borrowed.

  5. The Dean/Director of the loaning department will make any final determinations around disputes regarding penalties such as late fines or replacement cost.

    1. Students may appeal the decision by the Dean/Director under the College's student complaints process.

See related policy 416
Generated at: 4:48 pm on Oct. 06, 2024