Retail service areas will post clear and authorized signage indicating that gratuities will be directed to the VCC Foundation to be applied toward scholarships, bursaries, awards and/or equipment that support VCC students.
The VCC Foundation will, in collaboration with the Marketing and Communication department, design and distribute approved signage to relevant service areas, including but not limited to JJ's Restaurant, The Bistro, the VCC Salon and Spa, and VCC automotive departments.
Deans, Directors or designates are responsible for informing employees and students who provide services where a gratuity is likely, of this policy and procedures, and providing education and training as needed.
All gratuity funds collected will be provided to the VCC Foundation through Financial Services.
All gratuity transactions, including cash, must be processed through the College's Point-of-Sale (POS) system.
All gratuities must be reported on a daily reconciliation sheet.