ARFC 3002: Developing Core Anti-racist Facilitation Competencies
Effective date
January 2024
Instructor Education CS
Continuing Studies
This course is the second out of three courses in the micro-credential program ‘Anti-racist Facilitation Training: Addressing Anti-Indigenous Racism in Adult Learning Environments’.
Following the initial training provided in ‘Fundamentals of Anti-racist Facilitation’, this course is designed to help the learners delve deeper into each of the three core competencies required for anti-racist facilitation: knowledge, self-awareness, and skills.
Year of study
3rd Year Post-secondary
Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Discuss the key concepts of racism and colonization including the history and ongoing manifestations of colonization and respond to common misconceptions and objections.
- Identify and analyze the different ways learner resistance may manifest in response to discussions on colonial history and other Indigenous-related content.
- Contrast an anti-racist pedagogical approach with other common approaches in dealing with anti-Indigenous racism in the classroom.
- Describe the steps of the transformative learning process for approaching anti-Indigenous racism.
- Develop self-awareness on what may trigger facilitators and learners in the face of anti-Indigenous racism and resistance.
- Use self-awareness as a tool for managing triggers in self and others when addressing anti-Indigenous racism.
- Discuss a range of specific strategies to unsettle the resistance and support learning in their classroom.
Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR)
Lecture, Online, Seminar, Tutorial: 12
Total Hours: 12
Grading System
Passing grade
60% - Students must achieve "S" for each assessment to pass the course.
Evaluation Plan
Assessment activity
Knowledge checks - Must complete interactive knowledge checks in the weekly online modules as per rubrics.
Discussion - Must respond to online questions (sharing, reflection, and/or discussion) in the weekly online modules as per rubrics. When requested in a module, must comment on at least 2 responses posted by other participants.
Synchronous session scenarios - Weekly integration sessions scenarios
Reflection - Summative reflective assignment
Course topics
- • Anti-Indigenous racism
• Anti-racist facilitation
• Facilitation skills
• Anti-racist pedagogy
• Transformative learning process
• Learner resistance
• Discourses of Democratic Racism
• Racial identity
• Educator’s self-awareness
• Trauma-informed facilitation
• Inter-racial facilitation and co-facilitation
- Course contents and descriptions, offerings and schedules are subject to change without notice.
- Students are required to follow all College policies including ones that govern their educational experience at VCC. Policies are available on the VCC website at:
- To find out if there are existing transfer agreements for this course, visit the BC Transfer Guide at