Notice: Scheduled power outage at Downtown campus

February 15-16

Articulation and Transfer

Transfer to Universities

Transfer Credits to VCC

Articulation for Course Transfer


Transfer to Universities

Start your university degree at VCC's university transfer program page in a supportive learning environment with attentive instructors, and transfer credits to post-secondary institutions across British Columbia. View our website for the course listing and timetables.

According to the BC Transfer Guide, a transfer is when one institution recognizes education completed at another. You can use the credits earned from VCC to fulfill some of the requirements for your credential at another institution to which you're admitted. Be sure to plan your study by researching transferrable courses on the BC Transfer Guide to and from VCC, depending on your transfer needs. 

Prerequisites at VCC

While students may meet the admission requirements of the University Transfer programs at VCC, individual courses may have specific requirements. Acceptance into the university transfer programs does not guarantee individual course registration eligibility. Visit our website to review the course offerings, and click on each course to review the course prerequisites. Be sure to check with an International Student Advisor to confirm if you meet the prerequisites of your chosen VCC courses and discuss your study plan before course registration.

VCC Program Graduation Requirements

To obtain a VCC University Transfer credential, there are specific courses required to be completed. Refer to each University Transfer program for details.

University Transfer Course Schedules

Most University Transfer classes are offered in September, and some in January. The course offerings in May are limited. To ensure meeting your full-time status, remember to plan for alternative courses in case your preferred classes have overlapping schedules or are not offered in the term of your choice. Schedules and timetables are usually available two to three months prior to the beginning of classes. 

Transfer VCC Credits to Universities

A successful university transfer plan requires an international student to do the following:

  1. Connect with the receiving institution to learn more about the transfer admissions process. For example, if you are planning to transfer courses to the Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of British Columbia (UBC), research on their website and meet with their advisors to learn about application deadlines, transfer admissions requirements including grades (GPA), number of credits, and type of courses required.
  2. Know what courses and prerequisites to meet at VCC. Once you know the transfer admission requirements at your choice of receiving institution, research on BC Transfer Guide to confirm which courses you need to complete at VCC.
  3. Meet with a VCC International Student Advisor to review your research and plan your study as early as possible to avoid delays in your study plan.

While students can take electives in a term they prefer, many CMPT and MATH courses are only offered in specific terms. The sample schedules below are for course planning purposes for international students to maintain their full-time study status. 

  • Course availability may change without prior notice.
  • Check the pre-requisites of the electives and course offerings before registration.
  • Consult the Associate of Science Degree page for details on the requirements.

Associate of Science Course Selection Guide

VCC recommends that international students follow the course schedule outlined in theAssociate of Science Course Selection Guide. This guide is for course planning and registration purposes for international students to maintain their full-time study status.

Students may choose to schedule their electives in different terms but please note that not every elective is offered every term and many CMPT and MATH courses are only offered in specific terms, so we highly recommend all students follow the suggested schedule guide to ensure full-time status. 

Course availability may change without prior notice. 

Term 1 Registration 

VCC will register all eligible international students starting their program in the Fall or Winter terms in the below Term 1 courses based on the department’s course schedule guidelines: 

CMPT 1010 

MATH 1100 

MATH 1120 

ENGL 1101 

ENGL 1001 

Students wishing to change their Term 1 registration may do so themselves via their online registration account after their initial registration is complete by VCC. We highly recommend that all international students follow the schedule in the Associate of Science Course Selection Guide to ensure they maintain full-time study status.  

English Options  

All eligible Term 1 international students are automatically registered into ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1001 in their first term by VCC however qualified students may request a switch to ENGL 1100. Students with questions about ENGL 1100 eligibility and how to make the switch in registration can contact (please include VCC ID number, Full Name, and program of study). 

Future Term Registration 

Students in Term 2 onwards are responsible for registering themselves into their courses. Students are encouraged to check the pre-requisites of the electives and course offerings before registration. Please note that meeting the program admission requirements does NOT guarantee course registration. Students must make sure they meet the individual university transfer course pre-requisite(s), which can be found by clicking in each course code link. Consult the Associate of Science Degree page for details on the specific course requirements. 

Electives Requirements and Options

6 electives are required to complete the Associate of Science Degree. Students can choose from the following list of electives to meet the program graduation requirements. 

  • 2 courses in Arts  
  • 1 course in Lab Science 
  • 1 course in Math or Science 
  • 2 additional courses of your choice 

Arts Electives

CRIM 1150 Intro to Criminology (3 credits) 

ECON 1100 Microeconomics (3 credits) 

ECON 1200 Macroeconomics (3 credits) 

PSYC 1100 Psychology 1 (3 credits) 

PSYC 1200 Psychology 2 (3 credits) 

SOCI 1100 Sociology 1 (3 credits) 

SOCI 1200 Sociology 2 (3 credits) 

SCIE 1110 Professional Communication (3 credits) 

Science Electives

EVSC 1100 Intro to Environmental Science (3 credits) 

SCIE 1100 Engineering, Tech & Society (3 credits) 

SCIE 1151 Engineering Graphics & Design (3 credits) 

PHYS 1170 Mechanics 1 (3 credits) 

Lab Science Electives

BIOL 1100 Biology 1 (4 credits) 

BIOL 1200 Biology 2 (4 credits) 

BIOL 1220 Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 (4 credits) 

BIOL 1120 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 (4 credits) 

CHEM 1121 Chemistry 1 (4 credits) 

CHEM 1223 Chemistry 2 (4 credits) 

PHYS 1100 Physics 1 (4 credits) 

PHYS 1200 Physics 2 (4 credits) 

Academic Course Planning at VCC

Current VCC international students enrolled in VCC's University Transfer programs may schedule an academic course planning appointment with a VCC International Student Advisor by booking an advising session online, emailing or calling 604-443-8600. Ensure to do some research ahead of time in preparation for your academic course planning advising session. For example:

  • Which university are you planning to transfer your VCC credits to, and what program?
  • How many credits, and what courses does this university require?
  • What is the application deadline of the university of your choice?
  • After checking the BC Transfer Guide, what VCC courses are you planning to take to fulfill the transfer requirements?
  • After checking VCC's University Transfer course listings, do you meet the prerequisites of the VCC courses you plan to take?

For more information about registration and class schedules for new and returning students, check Course Registration.


Transfer Credits to VCC

International students with prior post-secondary education must officially request transfer credits to VCC. Official transcripts and certified translations in English (if applicable) are required. Course outlines should be included when submitting a transfer request to VCC. Please click on 'Request for Credit Transfer' below for more information. The Transfer Credit process is not required to meet VCC Program Admissions Requirements. View Policy and Procedure D.3.11 for details about transfer credits.


Students transferring between post-secondary institutions in B.C. may refer to the BC Transfer Guide to confirm course transfer eligibility.

Students with transcripts from outside of Canada may require an ICES Comprehensive evaluation. Some programs require supplemental reports for transfer credits.

Official Transcripts

  • Official transcripts must be received at VCC by mail from the sending institution, in a sealed untampered envelope.
  • The transcript must have the institutional seal, stamp or signature.

Request Forms

After receiving admission to the program, submit the Transfer Credit Request Form with supporting documentation at least 3 weeks before classes begin.

Complete a VCC Program

  • Transfer Credit in combination with PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) will not exceed a maximum of 65% of a program.
  • To receive a credential from VCC, students must complete a minimum of 35% of the program at VCC, and the entirety of that 25% must come from the second half of the program. Refer to C.1.3 Granting of Credentials policy and procedures for details
  • View Policy and Procedure C.1.3 for details about granting of credentials.

Important Notes

  • Insufficient documents may result in a delay in the process or be deemed not completed. Students must apply for transfer credit prior to the start of a program, and allow a minimum of 3 weeks for processing. 
  • The request for transfer credits is not guaranteed, and it is not common for transfer credits from non-articulated institutions to be awarded.
  • The awarding of transfer credit may reduce the number of courses registered in a term. Connect with a VCC International Student Advisor to discuss if you are not meeting the full-time course load as a study permit holder, or are concerned about your PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit) eligibility.
  • Students with transcripts from outside of Canada may require a comprehensive evaluation from an educational credential assessment service provider. Some programs require supplemental reports for transfer credits.
  • Transfer Credit cannot be awarded for courses used towards program Admissions Requirements.
  • View Policy and Procedure D.3.11 for details about transfer credits.

Before requesting to transfer credits, discuss with an International Student Advisor if you are not meeting the full-time course load as a study permit holder, or are concerned about your PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit) eligibility.


Articulation for Course Transfer

In addition to institutions and programs listed on the BC Transfer Guide, VCC currently has articulation agreements with a number of Canadian institutions for VCC's programs.


Bachelor of Hospitality Management


Hospitality Management Diploma

VCC’s Hospitality Management Diploma has gone through curriculum changes, and this impacts the transfer eligibility after September 2023. All articulation agreements are currently under review until further notice.


Accounting Diploma


Marketing Technology Diploma

Book an appointment with an International Student Advisor to discuss your transfer requests.