Commercial Card Policy

Policy Number: 120
Policy Effective Date: November 22, 2023
Approval Body: Board of Governors
Sponsor: President

Context and Purpose

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) has a commercial credit card program (C-Card) that allows authorized Cardholders to pay for expenses and provides access to an online program management and reporting tool. The C-Card program is designed to save time and manage costs and efficiencies.

The purpose of this policy is to outline the framework in which the C-Card program is administered.

Scope and Limits

This policy applies to all VCC employees.


  1. The C-Card shall be used as an alternative payment method for the purchase of goods and services that are legitimate, appropriate, reasonable, non-recurrent, low risk and in accordance with College policies and procedures.

  2. C-Cards will only be issued to VCC employees. C-Card will not be issued to third party contractors.

  3. Information about responsibilities will be provided to all Cardholders. It is a mandatory requirement for cardholders to sign an agreement that acknowledges receipt of the C-Card and agrees to all aspects of C-Card Program compliance.

  4. The College reserves the right to require Cardholders and/or Approvers to reimburse ineligible purchases.

  5. Use of a C-Card for personal purposes, fraudulent activity, or unauthorized purchases are serious offenses and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of C-Card privileges, employment and/or prosecution.

  6. Employees are encouraged to report instances of noncompliance with this policy without fear of reprisal or retaliation.


The appropriate spending authority duly appointed to authorize expenditures by virtue of the approved operating budget.
An employee of the College authorized by a senior administrator to carry a C-Card.
C-Card Administrator
A College employee(s) designated by the CFO to administer the C-Card program.
An individual who is currently employed by VCC on a full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, term, casual or contract basis.
Itemized Receipt
A receipt provided by the vendor or supplier which itemizes the goods or services purchased, and indicates the date, the name of a facility, a description of all items, amount of taxes charged and a total. A credit card receipt is not considered an itemized receipt.
Appointed by the Cardholder to review and reconcile C-Card expenses.
Spending Authority
An individual who has been duly appointed to authorize expenditures by virtue of the approved operating budget.

Related Resources


VCC Policies

Other Resources

See related procedures 120
Generated at: 6:57 am on Feb. 09, 2025