- The College maintains a VCC C-Card Program Handbook (Handbook) that provides detailed information regarding security and compliance, e.g. how to use the C-Card; reporting; recording and reconciling expense claims; eligible and ineligible expenses, and important contact information.
- Each expense must be supported with an official invoice or receipt. Expenses without an official receipt may not be approved.
- If the C-Card is used inadvertently for an ineligible expense the Cardholder must immediately contact the C-Card Administrator for direction.
- Automatic scheduled payments may be applied to a C-Card for VCC Library subscriptions or VCC Marketing advertising that cannot be paid through a purchase order.
Roles and Responsibilities
C-Card Administrator
- Administers all aspects of the C-Card program including, but not limited to:
- Monitoring compliance and reporting concerns to the CFO
- Enrolling new Cardholders
- Training
- Collecting signed C-Card Cardholder Agreements
- Cardholder accounts:
- User IDs and passwords
- Profile information
- Monitoring transaction limits
- Reporting structure
- C-Card expiry dates
- Org code and Account Code maintenance
- Cancelling C-Cards
- Adjusting transaction limits with CFO approval.
- Evaluating program effectiveness
- Acting as the liaison between the bank and College.
- Cardholders are responsible for:
- Reviewing the VCC C-Card Policy, Procedures and Handbook and signing the Cardholder Agreement.
- Adhering to the Cardholder Agreement, appropriate C-Card usage, record-keeping and deadlines.
- Confirming that expenses being charged to their C-Card are eligible at VCC and identifying any expense that is considered Statement of Financial Information eligible. Refer to the Handbook for details.
- All purchases and any fees associated with purchases on their C-Card.
- Including all required documentation, such as invoices and receipts, with each expense report
- Submitting reconciled Expense Report to their Approver by established deadlines.
- Advising the bank and C-Card Administrator if a C-Card is lost, stolen or compromised, such as the discovery of fraudulent transactions.
- Resolving transaction discrepancies and disputes directly with the merchant. Every effort must be made to resolve disputes within thirty (30) days of the transaction.
- Responding in a timely manner to inquiries from Financial Services regarding overdue expense reports, missing receipts or insufficient documents and questions regarding specific expenditures charged to the C-Card.
- Securing approval from the CFO via email for any request to temporarily increase the transaction limit.
- Reviewers are responsible for:
- Receiving expense reports and receipts from the Cardholder
- Confirming that each transaction is compliant with policy
- Submitting expense reports with relevant documentation to the Cardholder or Approver as required.
Note: Regardless of the assignment of a Reviewer, the Cardholder remains responsible for appropriate C-Card usage, accurate record-keeping, reconciliation of monthly statements and meeting submission deadlines.
Approver (Spending Authority)
- Approvers are generally the Cardholder's direct manager/supervisor and are responsible for:
- ensuring each transaction is compliant with policy
- Reviewing monthly expense reports for completeness and accuracy and approving or rejecting as required by the established deadlines and their spending authority threshold.
- Confirming there is adequate budget for the transactions applied to C-Cards assigned in their area.
- Informing the C-Card Administrator upon termination of employment or internal job transfer of the Cardholder, or for any other reason that the C-Card should no longer be assigned to the said Cardholder. In this case, the Approver is responsible for reconciling and submitting the final expense report for this account.
- If needed, assigning a delegate approver during their absence
Executive Director Finance and CFO
- The Executive Director Finance and CFO is responsible for:
- Ensuring that appropriate financial controls are in place to manage and maintain the C-Card program.
- Designating a C-Card Administrator and delegates.
- Reviewing and providing second approval of C-Card requests and transaction limits, including exceptions to transaction limits.
- Ensuring the C-Card Policy, Procedures, Handbook and C-Card Cardholder Agreement are reviewed and updated regularly and are accessible to all College employees.
- Authorizing C-Card cancellations when there is sufficient evidence of intentional misuse and/or fraudulent activity.
- Authorizing temporary increases to per transaction and/or monthly limits.
- Determining appropriate action when violations to C-Card usage occur and/or for non-compliance with the C-Card Policy, Procedures or Handbook.
C-Card and Transaction Limits
- Individual transactions are limited to $1,000 CAD and include freight charges and taxes.
- Per transaction and/or monthly limits may be temporarily increased to accommodate a purchase, extensive travel and/or extraordinary circumstances as needed. Limits are returned to original defaults after the purchase is completed.
- If a transaction is over the Cardholders transaction limit, the Cardholder has the following options:
- Email Procurement Services and request to use their C-Card; or
- Email the CFO and request to temporarily increase the limit to allow the transaction to go through.
- Procurement Services should be contacted when:
- a purchase is beyond a Cardholder's limit;
- there is a query regarding Vendor accounts;
- anticipated spending will be more than $5,000 during the fiscal year with one vendor, even though a single transaction may be less than $1,000. This does not include memberships.
Application Process
- C-Cards will be issued to employees who provide substantial evidence that a C-Card is required for the daily operation of their work.
- To request a C-Card, employees must complete and submit the C-Card Request Form (available in the Financial Services Forms area of myVCC) to their direct manager/supervisor for initial approval. The direct manager/supervisor will forward the signed form to the CFO for final approval.
- An Approver cannot approve their own expenses. It is considered a violation for Approvers to use another Cardholders C-Card for their own expenses, which they will ultimately approve. This includes purchases by a direct report on their behalf, (e.g. an administrative assistant incurs an expense on their C-Card for travel arrangements for their direct manager/supervisor, who is their Approver).
- Employees are encouraged to report any misuse or unauthorized use of the C-Card, in good faith and without repercussions.
- Late or non-approval of expense reports may be recorded as a violation.
- Failure to adhere to College policies and the terms and conditions of the Handbook may result in appropriate consequences, including but not limited to:
- cancellation of the C-Card,
- termination of C-Card user privileges,
- reimbursement to the College of any unauthorized purchases, and/or
- disciplinary action, including termination of employment or prosecution.
- The CFO reserves the right to remove all C-Cards at an individual or departmental level for non-compliance with notice.
- The following steps may be taken if violations are found:
Step 1: Warning – Cardholder and direct manager/supervisor are notified
Step 2: 6-month card suspension – Cardholder, direct manager/supervisor and Approver are notified
Step 3: C-Card privileges withdrawn – Cardholder, direct manager/supervisor, approver and VP Administration are notified
- Refer to the Handbook for examples of C-Card violations.