
Policy Index

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy

As a public institution, Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) must act within the law, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) which governs all public bodies in British Columbia. This policy is intended to inform and help ensure College members are aware of their obligations under FOIPPA in respect to the protection of personal information in VCC's custody or control and for access to information.  

The purposes of the FOIPPA include:

  • Making public bodies more open and accountable by providing the public with a statutory right of access to records, subject to any exceptions set out in the Act; and
  • Protecting individuals' personal privacy by prohibiting the unauthorized collection, use or disclosure of personal information by public bodies.

To fulfill these purposes, the FOIPPA gives individuals the right to request access to records in VCC's custody or control.  The FOIPPA also places statutory obligations and limitations on VCC's collection, use, disclosure, accuracy, retention and security of personal information in its custody and control.

Further information about the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the process for submitting access requests is available online at http://www.gov.bc.ca/citz/iao/foi/index.html.   

Policy number:
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Approval body:
Board of Governors
Official policy:
Policy [PDF]

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