
Policy Index

Student Appeal of Suspension to Board of Governors

Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) provides all students with an opportunity to make a final appeal to the Board of Governors on the decision by the College president to suspend a student from the institution. The purpose of this policy is to establish the principles and procedures under which those final appeals will occur.

The B.C. College & Institute Act Section 37 states that "(2) For just cause, the president of an institution may suspend a student of the institution and deal summarily with a matter of student discipline; (3) On exercise of a power of suspension under this section, the president must immediately report the action to the board with a statement of the reasons; (4) A person suspended under this section has the right of appeal to the board."

Policy number:
Policy sponsor:
Approval body:
Board of Governors
Official policy:
Policy [PDF]

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