Policy Index
Student Financial Aid
Vancouver Community College (VCC; the College) provides a variety of Financial Aid instruments in the form of student loans, grants, bursaries and scholarships designed to assist students with paying tuition and associated costs of attending the College. The Financial Aid office, under the administrative direction of the College Registrar, administers these programs on behalf of the College.
Student Financial Aid will be administered in a fashion that provides the maximum benefit to the greatest number of students to assist the institution in reaching their strategic enrolment goals. Through the granting of financial aid, students will potentially receive support facilitating their enrolment at the College. The policy articulates the Financial Aid office responsibilities and authority related to financial aid matters and provides an operational framework. The desired outcome is that financial aid is administered in a clear, consistent, efficient and transparent fashion to support overall institutional enrolment objectives.
- Policy number:
- 314
- Policy sponsor:
- VP Academic
- Approval body:
- President
- Official policy:
- Supporting documents: