Education Council


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Education Council (EdCo) is a key part of VCC’s internal governance structure. All public B.C. colleges are required by the College and Institute Act to have a Board of Governors and an Education Council, the two branches that make up bicameral governance.

Education Council has the sole decision-making authority for

  • policies concerning examinations and evaluation of student performance;
  • criteria for academic standing, academic standards and the grading system;
  • policies and procedures for appeals by students on academic matters and establishing a final appeal tribunal for these appeals;
  • curriculum content for courses leading to certificates, diplomas or degrees.

Education Council acts in an advisory role to the Board of Governors on the development of educational policy.

Education Council and the Board of Governors have joint approval powers for decisions related to equivalency of courses, programs, or course credit.

Education Council and the Board of Governors both have Standing Committees that support their work.