Notice: Scheduled power outage at Downtown campus

January 18-19

Posted on June 16, 2017

Celebrating student success

Twice a year, Vancouver Community College (VCC) holds student awards ceremonies recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of talented and deserving students enrolled in the vast range of programs offered at VCC.

On Friday, June 9, the spring awards ceremony took place at VCC’s Broadway campus where the VCC Foundation awarded in excess of $138,000 in scholarships and awards. VCC’s scholarships and awards are established to recognize academic excellence and to acknowledge students who demonstrate leadership in the classroom or in their community. These awards help encourage and support students in their journey to academic and career success.

Among the award receipients, 18 of them are international students enrolled in the following programs:

  • Asian Culinary Certificate
  • Automotive Collision & Refinishing Diploma
  • Automotive Service Technology Diploma
  • Baking & Pastry Certificates
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Studies
  • Dental Assisting Certificate
  • Dental Hygiene Diploma
  • Hair Design Certificate
  • Hospitality Management Diploma
  • Jewellery Art & Design Diploma


With many donor representatives in attendance, the awards ceremonies provide a special opportunity for donors to directly connect with the recipients of their awards and the chance for students—and VCC—to thank their donors in person.

Visit the VCC Flickr site to view photos from the spring student awards ceremony.