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February 15-16

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Student Feedback

Here is what some of our students and alumni have to say about their experiences at VCC. Follow the VCC International Instagram account to see more photos and videos of our students' study experiences at VCC and in Vancouver.


"I'm very grateful to be selected as the recipient of the Howie Hayes Scholarship in VCC, which is also the first scholarship I have ever received in my life. Thanks to all our amazing instructors at VCC. Without your guidance and encouragement, I will never get such achievements today. I would like to recommend the Hospitality Management Program of VCC to my friends who are eager to start their new lives in Canada."

Dan (Suan) Liu, China

Hospitality Management Diploma

Recipient of Howie Hayes Scholarship, June 2023



"I like the program as I learned new things that I am interested in, and I appreciated all the support from the VCC instructors and staff."

Brenda Yuen, Hong Kong

Hospitality Management Diploma

Recipient of Association of VCC Administrators Leadership Scholarship, June 2023


"Thank you so much for the International team, you're always encouraging me. Thank you for the helping during the whole process of applying for the courses and answering my queries. Wish you all the best!"


Ka Yi Ng (Jodi), Hong Kong

Hospitality Management Diploma

Recipient of Student's Union of Vancouver Community College Scholarship, December 2022



"It's the second scholarship I obtained in my life and at the VCC. Thank you for nominating and choosing me for the Anne Coates Memorial Scholarship. I'm sincerely grateful for your guidance and support throughout my education. Your encouragement and recognition provide me, as an international student, with the motivation to overcome any challenges, and strive for excellence. The Anne Coates Memorial Scholarship also reduces the financial burden of completing my diploma. Once again, thank you so much and best wishes!"

Ka Yuk Shirley Leung, Hong Kong

Hospitality Management Diploma

Recipient of Anne Coates Memorial Scholarship, June 2022



"I cannot tell how lucky I am to get the chance to study at VCC. I get to learn from the best instructors with practical knowledge that can really help me with my career of choice. VCC amazing instructors always happy to share their experiences and encourage me to learn as much as I can, as well as support me to reach my full potential. During the course I get to work with real clients to experience what it is like to work in the field, many workshops had been thrown for experts to share their knowledge with us. Not only that I get to learn, but I also made friend with amazing people - my classmates - which make my learning experience unforgettable. Learning at VCC is no doubt one of the best decision I have made."

Thanh Ngan Pham, Vietnam

Graphic Design Diploma

Recipient of Pacific Newspaper Group Scholarship, June 2022



"At the beginning of my program, I was worried that two years of school would pass slowly. But I enjoyed my time at VCC so much, and I can’t believe it’s already over. Many lovely memories will stay with me forever. Being inspired by the instructors that encourage me to be Red Seal Chef, and the opportunity to volunteer at prestigious events like the Bacchanalia Wine Festival Gala Dinner at Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. This wonderful opportunity is a great reference for me when I apply for a job. Moreover, I have connected with so many VCC graduates from VCC after I graduated from VCC. Those are made me feel VCC is my second home. The knowledge, skills, and experiences I gained from VCC have made me feel ready to achieve my dream. This experience has motivated me to continue to advance in this incredible industry. VCC is a well-recognized college in the Culinary industry. Thank you to all of my instructors, a donation from the Mueller Family, and the steadfast support from the Culinary Arts department, and VCC as a whole. Choosing to study at VCC is the best choice for me ever and I am so proud to be a part of the VCC Community."

Vanvisa Sataglamp, Thailand

Culinary Arts Diploma

VCC Fall 2021 Convocation Valedictorian



"What I like most about VCC is all the friends that I was able to make and all the knowledge that I was able to gain! I have the opportunity to show some Brazilian dishes that we have in my country (Brazil). What inspired me at VCC is having a chance of being successful while living and working here in this beautiful country."

Kadu Henrique, Brazil

Hospitality Management Diploma



“VCC’s environment made my experience a whole lot better because it wasn’t hard to find friends especially that it is my first time studying abroad. What I like most about VCC is the learning experience because the instructors are highly qualified and experts with real-world experience in the field. As a Culinary Arts student, seeing myself improving and learning new ideas in the culinary field makes me one step closer to my dream of becoming a chef. VCC has changed my life and I can proudly say that choosing VCC is the right choice.”

Cheska Marielle Ferolino, Philippines

Culinary Arts Diploma



"I love the cultural diversity at VCC. I met people and made friends from all over the world and I learned so much with them!

Juliana Jara, Brazil

Jewellery Art and Design



"It is a pleasure for me to be part of VCC. the thing that inspires me the most is our instructors. They are very polite and helpful."

U.A., India

Canadian Business Management




"I'm very proud of being a student in VCC. I still don't believe that I was selected for the Dilawri Group of Companies Automotive Award."

Chihyun Park, South Korea

Automotive Service Technology



"I like the infrastructure that we have to learn every day, and the importance of the learning process – not only practice but also theory."

Catalina Saavedra Rodriguez, Mexico

Baking and Pastry



"I like the opportunity to learn new techniques and methods. Most of the instructors have a lot of experiences."

Jaqueline Munoz, Mexico

Culinary Arts



"This program is what I wanted to do in the future, and this is my career. I learned lots in this program."

Bach Pham, Vietnam

Automotive Collision & Refinishing


"A good program, giving a thorough knowledge about autobody industry and its advancements, and teaches good skills."

Dhairya Chaudhary, India

Automotive Collison and Refinishing


 "We got to work on customer cars, like a real shop."

Dursim Hoxha, Albania

Automotive Service Technology


"I like everything, especially the big variety of desserts we end up learning how to do."

Gabriela Herrera, Panama

Baking & Pastry


 "This is a very good program. It helped me become an entry-level baker. I really appreciate that."

Winnie Wang, China

Baking & Pastry



"The program and courses are great. It taught me everything I should know about being or becoming a chef someday. The training though was tough, but it helped a lot especially in my practicum where I was offered a full-time job as Line Cook 3."

Florida Vinas, Philippines

Culinary Arts



"Student support was very good so I didn’t need to worry about any problem."

Kohei Fukuda, Japan

Culinary Arts



"This program is better than I thought and I am being prepared by the best chefs of Vancouver. Studying here I am feeling at home, the people here are amazing, very warm environment and everyone from the beginning very attentive and careful to me."

Simone Madureira, Brazil

Culinary Arts


"I like to use AutoCad and other drafting programs. It is amazing to learn many programs at once."

Jason Kuo, Taiwan

CAD & BIM Technicians



"The learning facilities are well structured, always clean and bright, the instructors and tutors are just amazing: dedication defines them. It makes studying pleasant and fun."

Daniella Neves, Brazil

Hospitality Management


"During my two year program at VCC I met a lot of interesting people with different backgrounds and cultures. The instructors were always there to help and listen when you needed help."

Jenny Kapitola, Germany

Hospitality Management