Notice: Scheduled power outage at Downtown campus

January 18-19

Posted on February 21, 2021

VCC Jewellery Art and Design Alumni learning experience

Juliana Jara is a recent graduate of VCC’s Jewellery Art and Design Diploma. Juliana is currently working as a Jewellery Designer & Assistant Production Manager at Ragnar Jewellers Design Studio, where she is creating beautiful and customized jewellery.


In a Q & A format, Juliana shared what she appreciated the most from her learning experiences at VCC. Her experiences can certainly inspire future jewellery designers who might be interested in this career.


What do you like most about VCC?

I love the cultural diversity at VCC. I met people and made friends from all over the world and I learned so much from and with them! (including the culinary student's bakery!)


What was the most creative thing you have done as a VCC student?

The most creative thing I did at VCC was my graduation project for the Jewelry program. We were in lockdown and we had to find a way to make jewelry with whatever we had at home and whatever tools we had available. It was very challenging but my instructors were very encouraging and I ended up loving my project made from plastic bottles.


What inspired you at VCC?

The gemmology lab classes! I hope to become a gemologist one day.




Interested in seeing Juliana's work on Social Media? Follow Juliana's Instagram and VCC reposts of Juliana.