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February 15-16

Posted on July 4, 2022

Q&A with a VCC Award Recipient

Ka Yuk Shirley Leung is an international student from Hong Kong and just finished her second term of VCC's Hospitality Management Diploma in April 2022. She received a scholarship for the second time at VCC, and here's what she has to say about her experiences.

What is a memorable experience during your studies?

I was infected with the COVID virus a week when the holidays had just begun before my final exam of the second semester. Luckily, I was feeling just a bit unwell, so I stayed home and concentrated on my studies. 

Are you working now? How has VCC prepared you for employment?

I am now working as a server in a restaurant during my term break to gain 500 hours of industry work experience. My training at VCC has taught me to provide excellent customer service and details about the Food and Beverage Operations. VCC also organized an Interview Week and provided relevant job postings to students via email and Moodle, in addition to training me on how to prepare a professional resume and perform well in an interview. I could have more job opportunities.


What advice would you give someone considering studying in your program?

Learning some subjects was difficult initially, but with continued practice, it became easier. The instructors were also patient and helpful. Students are more than welcome to ask questions if they have any doubts about learning.

As a second-time award winner, what can you share about your experiences applying for and getting the scholarship?

To be nominated and selected to get the scholarships, I do every assignment carefully and study hard in all quizzes and examinations to aim at achieving the highest grades. Apart from this, I enjoy participating in group discussions during classes and maintaining positive relationships with my classmates and instructors. I believe hard work pays off. 


What would you like to say to your instructors?

It's the second scholarship I obtained in my life and at the VCC. Thank you for nominating and choosing me for the Anne Coates Memorial Scholarship. I'm sincerely grateful for your guidance and support throughout my education. Your encouragement and recognition provide me, as an international student, with the motivation to overcome any challenges, and strive for excellence. The Anne Coates Memorial Scholarship also reduces the financial burden of completing my diploma. Once again, thank you so much and best wishes! 



Learn more about VCC's Hospitality Management Diploma at an upcoming info session. Questions about how to apply? Check our website for details, or book a one-on-one international advising session.