Notice: Scheduled power outage at Downtown campus

January 18-19

Posted on April 13, 2021

Student-designed T-shirt sale supports VCC scholarships

Graphic design VCC T-shirts 2021

The popular graphic design T-shirt fundraiser for VCC Foundation is back. Choose from three original designs now available online at the VCC Bookstore

Congratulations to second-year graphic design diploma students Natalie Bocking, Mio Masaki, and Natalie Cano, who won a competition to create the illustrations for the shirts.

T-shirts cost $21.95, and all proceeds go to the VCC Foundation, supporting scholarships and equipment for deserving VCC students. In 2019, the campaign sold out of T-shirts, raising more than $500. So get yours today! Order now from the VCC Bookstore.


Curious about a creative career? Learn more about VCC's graphic design programs at an upcoming free information session for International students.