Notice: Scheduled power outage at Downtown campus

January 18-19

Posted on February 28, 2017

Student T2202A tax forms available online

Student tax forms (T2202A forms) are now available online. To access your tax receipt, go to myVCC login

Enter your Student ID.  Enter your password.  Then click on Login.  For first time users your initial password has been set to your birth date in the format MMDDYY.  For example, if your birth date is January 25, 1975, your password would be 012575.  If you have previously logged into the system you will have set up your own password.  If you have  forgotten your password click on "Reset password"

myVCC reset password

If you need help accessing your tax receipt, please follow the steps described in the T2202A Frequently Asked Questions document. If you have any questions about your tax form please email with your question and student ID or call 604.871.7000, ext. 7002.